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Moving Game Plan | 6 Tips on Moving with Kids - The Jenn Pfeiffer Team
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Moving Game Plan | 6 Tips on Moving with Kids

Moving Game Plan | 6 Tips on Moving with Kids

Here are some great tips from a company called Moving Game Plans! ✅

Moving with children can be an overwhelming prospect, but it doesn’t have to be! With a bit of planning and preparation, you can make the move smoother and easier for everyone involved. Here are six tips to help ease the transition for all family members when moving with kids: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

1. Communicate With Your Kids: Moving with kids can be a great experience, but it’s also important to remember that it can be an unsettling time for them. Before and during the move, talk to your children about what will happen and why you are making this change. Ask them questions to better understand their feelings and concerns. Explain the benefits of the move and how exciting it can be to start a new adventure in a different city. Emphasize the fact that you’ll still be together as a family, even if you won’t be living in the same house any more. Allow them space to open up about them feeling sad, scared or excited – all of these reactions are totally normal and valid. ✨

2. Visit Before You Move: If possible, visit your new city before you move so your children have some idea of where they will live when the big day arrives. Take advantage of this opportunity by exploring their new neighborhood together and showing them around town. Try out some local attractions like parks, museums or sporting events so they get acquainted with their new home before they arrive there for good. This not only gives kids a sense of familiarity in the unknown but also helps build anticipation for their upcoming adventure! ✅

3. Make It Fun!: Moving can often feel like a stressful ordeal, but try to make it fun for your kids! Involve them in packing up their possessions with tasks like organizing books into boxes or labeling bags with color-coded tags (e.g., blue is toys, yellow is clothing). When loading items onto moving vans or trucks, encourage your children to help carry lighter objects while using colorful tape or markers to identify which box belongs in each room at the new residence once everything arrives safely at its destination! 📦

4. Plan A Visit To Your Old City: While moving on is necessary and exciting, don’t forget about taking one last trip back to your old city together as a family before departing for good! Go out for dinner at one of your favorite restaurants or visit some of your most cherished hangouts one last time – such memories will remain forever engraved in everyone’s hearts no matter how far apart you are from each other geographically! ❤️

5. Children’s Rooms Should Be The Priority: Getting settled into a new home takes time, especially when you’re doing it with small children in tow! Make sure their bedroom setup is completed first so they can go off to bed feeling secure within familiar surroundings after a long day of unpacking on moving day itself! Don’t forget soft touches like hanging wall art featuring characters from stories they love; getting creative will make settling into their rooms much easier – plus they’ll enjoy having something personal that reminds them of home wherever life takes them next! ✅

6. Things To Set Aside: It’s important to set aside certain items before leaving your old house – things like special mementos from past vacations, framed photos from years gone by or even stuffed animals that have been long-time companions throughout multiple moves (if applicable). These items will help keep tangible reminders of what once was close at hand no matter where life takes you next – plus it gives children something concretely familiar amidst all the upheaval surrounding migration between homes!🏡🏡

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